Corporate and institutional partners

In order to facilitate relations between the academic world and the job market, the course of study has set up a network of relationships with public bodies and companies called to collaborate in the management of the quality of the course itself.

The Advisory Board is made up of representatives from Italian and international industrial and institutional realities. It is consulted in relation to the adequacy of the training offer and the skills to be provided to graduates to improve their entry into the job market through periodic annual meetings.

The institutions and companies represented in the advisory board also offer opportunities for traineeships.


Advisory board

Piemonte Innova
Hitachi Rail


SCR Piemonte
Confindustria Piemonte
Gruppo Iren
Environment Park
Eurac Research
Regione Piemonte
Città metropolitana di Torino
Comune di Genova
Cottino Social Impact Campus

Centro Conservazione e Restauro La Venaria Reale

Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura

Museo Egizio

Fondazione Torino Musei

OGR Torino